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  1. Z

    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Using XenOrchestra I increase the size of my VM disk from 48GB to 120GB However when I run lvdisplay I still get 48GB What might I be doing wrong? df -h gives
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    Solved Battling to expand partition

    I have the following partitions The is for my VM which initially was only 10GB. I have increased the disk to 20GB I am wanting to from xvda3 to use all the extra space. I have tried lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv but can't get it to work
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    I have a script call that I have put in the .profile file. If I run bash .profile, the script runs but it does not run at login. How do I fix this so that the VPN starts automatically at login? Script #!/bin/bash nmcli con up id OSG .profile # the default umask is set in...
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    SSL_read: I/O error: Get kicked out back to the the windows RDP client when trying to rdp to an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop

    xrdp was installed on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop using sudo apt install xrdp -y sudo systemctl status xrdp sudo usermod -a -G ssl-cert xrdp sudo systemctl restart xrdp And the logs are [20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] SSL_read: I/O error [20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] libxrdp_force_read: header read error...