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  1. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    Hi again, its been some time i just wanted to make an update about how i "solved" the problem, not really but its ok: 1. First of all i tried everything, changing the display manager, disabling it, re installing X, tried dwm with defaults and no patches, and a bunch of other stuff, lastly i...
  2. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    nope, Mint is instaled in my pc, im not using live usb or external devices to boot the os.
  3. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    Thanks for the article, i install almost everything using apt i only really used brew to install fastfetch and the latest release version of neovim because neovim was kinda outdated using apt, But now that you mention debian i got more info that could be useful. 1. I have mint instaled in my...
  4. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    Just tried both of your recommendations, uninstaled and reinstaled dwm with default configs and no patches, issue persists. Disabled Firefox recommended performance settings and hardware acceleration, issue persists. I think the problem is aggravating, now i cant watch some youtube videos from...
  5. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    quick update, i managed to get terminal to work i just downloaded a bunch of terminals lol and kitty its the one who works fine, so i did everything you said boot to a text prompt and so on, i opened firefox and the links that were causing trouble now works fine, when i opened the pywal link for...
  6. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    dwm-6.5 same instalation method
  7. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    hello again sorry for the late response, i followed step by step what you said and when i type startx or xinit, the terminal executes normally but it doesnt recieve any keyboard input, i think the problem is that the "focus" is not set on the new terminal because the "block cursor" is not filled...
  8. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    yeah basically i click the links and for like .1 seconds i see my programs closing? idk how to explain it but looks similar to running pkill dwm, then screen turns black for a second, and the login screen pops up, and like i said on the cinnamon DE this doesnt happen, also tried different web...
  9. Reverzed

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    Unfinished Mint setup with dwm, i dont like icons on desktop
  10. Reverzed

    [SOLVED]Need help, dwm is killing itself when clicking URLs or links

    Hi basically when i click on some links this happens, Cick the link -> Screen turns black and this error message appears: [FAILED] Failed to start casper-md5check Verify Live ISO -> OS login screen pops up, for now this happened with some links, pywal github, a fonts download page and when i...