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  1. P

    Chat GPT

    Well you know how Google makes us dumber since 2 decades already. Google this google dat, don't use your head to even think on an engineering problem just google it because somebody solved it already :D This is taking humanity to the next level, degeneration to ape category. At the end chatgpt...
  2. P

    Fbcondecor alternatives

    Yes I currently running 6.5.9 and going back to previous kernels on modern hardware is a big no no. On Debian fb backgrounds were never there, they coming from Gentoo originally but if you used many distros in the past 20 years plenty of them like Suse, Redhat, Centos, Fedora etc had this...
  3. P

    Fbcondecor alternatives

    LoL if you don't know why even bother responding? This whole concept died out because people these days don't use the deep consoles anymore fancy bootsplash yeah that is doable in any distros then they login to X via gdm and don't touch console anymore. Just sad for console lovers.
  4. P

    Fbcondecor alternatives

    This tool and kernel patch quietly died and seems like it was never resurrected: Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Questions seeking product, service, or learning...