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  1. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    What would make it expensive to create? The hardware? Just curious.
  2. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    Interesting, thanks for sharing. I don't really want to be an ISP, I was just hoping I could be my own ISP. But, obviously I can't. Wish I knew more of how that works because I'm curious.
  3. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    I have another micro sd card with an OS on it that is accessing the internet correctly, and I ran nmcli con show ( wifi connection name ) | grep dns and nmcli con show ( wifi connection name ) | grep gateway These outputs are identical to the ones on the card that is not accessing the...
  4. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    I see only this ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. Nothing else shows up after that. The curser seems to be stuck at this point, and I have to close the command window and reopen another one to run any more commands. It doesn't return with the expected...
  5. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    actually, Delete '/var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0' manually if it is not used anymore is the output for the card and OS that's correctly accessing the internet. I compared the output for 2 cards with OS's, one that accesses the internet and one that doesn't.
  6. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    nmcli dev wifi list (My SSID shows up twice in the list, the 2nd time with a *) IN-USE BSSID SSID MODE CHAN RATE SIGNAL SECURITY xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MySSID Infra 1 540 Mbit/s 94 WPA2 WPA3 * xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MySSID Infra 44 540 Mbit/s...
  7. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    ip add looks fine AFAIK 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx brd xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host...
  8. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    Yeah, I've tried all the basic stuff. I've rebooted and factory reset the router. But my other computers connect fine. Something changed in the OS on the computer that won't access the internet.
  9. K

    Cannot access the internet although connected to wifi

    Sorry about all the questions, but everyone's been so helpful here. I have a raspberry pi 5 that suddenly stopped accessing the internet. (Since it's Linux based, I assume it's ok to post here about raspberry pi's?) I didn't make any changes, I just turned in on and off, and the next time I...
  10. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    That's pretty cool actually. Perhaps running a home security system that can be accessed remotely would be a good reason to host at home? But that could probably be done renting a server as well though, I guess.
  11. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    So did this used to be possible?
  12. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    I see, thanks everyone. So what are the benefits of running your own server at home?
  13. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    I mean, I'd like to run a server at home that connects to the internet, and cancel my account with Xfinity. I don't want to have to pay an ISP for internet service. Do I need an ISP to connect to the internet? It's what I would ultimately like to do, run a server at home. And if I did, I would...
  14. K

    Can I run my own server at home and not need an ISP?

    Please forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I'd like to run a server at home to connect to the internet and not pay an ISP every month. I understand some networking and have a background with computer software. I am a quick learner. Is this possible?
  15. K

    I leaked my IPv6 address and MAC address, should I be worried

    I used ipconfig. On my windows computer it shows the private address as IPv6 and the public is IPv4. On my raspberry pi both the private and public are IPv6.
  16. K

    I leaked my IPv6 address and MAC address, should I be worried

    So they probably weren't hackers trying to get me to post my info? How bad is it that I posted that info? They could have at least told me about sed, or warned me to anonymize my personal details.
  17. K

    I leaked my IPv6 address and MAC address, should I be worried

    f33dm3bits Can a network have both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses? I'm looking at my windows computer and it's showing a link-local IPv6 address, but the public address is showing IPv4 on command prompt.
  18. K

    I leaked my IPv6 address and MAC address, should I be worried

    ip a && ip r shows your IPv6 addresses. I don't know if there's a command that shows only the IPv6 addresses, I'm sure there is. But this command has that info in there.
  19. K

    I leaked my IPv6 address and MAC address, should I be worried

    @f33dm3bits I have a raspberry pi, and the micro sd card with the OS on it shows one IPv6 address on it. But when I switch to a different micro sd card with another OS on it, it's showing a completely different IPv6 address. I'm not resetting the router, I'm just switching from one OS to...