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  1. S

    4GB USB flash drive reports size as 8MB - parted fdisk df dd - can't re-create linux installer / burn image with dd

    When using fdisk, how can I delete the delete partition table of /dev/sdc and write changes to disk? To delete the partition table of /dev/sdc and write changes to the disk, you can use the following commands: sudo fdisk /dev/sdc: Open the fdisk utility for the specified device. d...
  2. S

    4GB USB flash drive reports size as 8MB - parted fdisk df dd - can't re-create linux installer / burn image with dd

    Hi Egzoset. Surely a simple passive flash drive does not pose any risk to a flash reader? They don't generate volts or amps, they are bus powered by the reader - which itself would probably have some small amount of overvoltage protection. What risk do you think a possibly dead USB flash drive...
  3. S

    4GB USB flash drive reports size as 8MB - parted fdisk df dd - can't re-create linux installer / burn image with dd

    Hi all. Any help on the following greatly appreciated. I have a 4GB USB 2.0 drive which is reporting the wrong size (8MB) in lsblk, df, fdisk. I had previously been using it as an installer for my distro (which was outdated by 2 versions). Yesterday, I tried to burn using dd (like I always...