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  1. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Yes with other apps, no with wifite, as when starting as root with the --kill command, it does it automatically, as well as killing any possible conflicting processes. this has worked without issue until today.
  2. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Scratch the working perfectly part. now i have the opposite issue. last night, when tested, it was able to see networks, available networks was not greyed out, i was able to use wifite to put the adapter into monitor mode and pick up wireless networks. Today (again no changes to the machine...
  3. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    I am grateful for all responses and advice! So generally i have been running a kali vm and performing upgrades, every so often i will just delete a VM and start fresh with a new pre-build. In terms of the firmware idea, if it was missing entirely i would assume i would not be able to use the...
  4. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Thanks, i will continue troubleshooting tomorrow when i have the time to sit in front of the machine for a bit!
  5. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    So going from a fresh vm, update and upgrade, then installing the rtl8812au drivers, am i safe to assume im working only with the 8812au drivers?
  6. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Good shout, thanks.
  7. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    I am presuming no alfa drivers are preinstalled with kali? If thats the case then when troubleshooting this issue the only driver installed has been rtl8812au. I will try and find the time to rig up a bare metal install and see how that goes. Thanks for all the help.
  8. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Sorry, what i ment was if i had installed more then one driver i could understand maybe the issue was conflict, but when troubleshooting the only driver installed has been 8812au
  9. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Nope, between the AC adaptor being installed and tested on a kali VM, which was then exported for use at school, no updates were installed by windows. And again no change to either host or VM just now when it magically started working again!
  10. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Yeah so its the rtl8812au drivers that i have been using, and the adapter is not being used in windows. No, i mean i have tried this setup on at least 4 physical host machines, 2 at home and 2 at school, each one passing through the adapter to a single vm, and all presenting the same issues...
  11. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    So a couple years ago i had issues with the vb passthough and ended up with a bare metal install. For what i am trying to achieve here, and the fact that i regularly have to use different machines at school, bare metal is a last resort. How likely do you think it is that passthrough is causing...
  12. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Ok, so for the moment, lets remove the ACS from the equasion as i believe that to be a seperate, probably driver related issue. If i installed the aircrack-ng/rtl8812au drivers and it worked for the AC and the NHA models, but then just stopped working, then started workibg again, i would guess...
  13. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    but the 8812au driver worked originally with the AC, then it didnt, then it worked with the NHA, but not the AC, now it works again with the AC. this is why i am confused. Im guessing the driver isnt compatible with the ACS which is why i havent had it working at all yet.
  14. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    UPDATE* I started fresh again, installed everything the way i did before using the AWUS036ACS. Same issue. I powered down the VM, i swapped the adapter for the AWUS036AC adapter, passed it through in VB, started the machine and it works absolutely perfectly. Swapped back to the ACS, same...
  15. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    No change after switching between modes. Managed mode sees the available networks option greyed out, and monitor mode appears to work within aircrack but does not find any wireless networks. output is: wlan0 unknown transmit-power information.
  16. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Perfectly understandable had it not been for the fact that i had everything up and running only a few days ago. As i am happy to admit, i am by no means an expert with linux, but i have been using kali for a while and it has been suitable for my needs. I am generally competent enough to solve...
  17. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Yes dkms was installed first.
  18. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    First, lots of assumptions, thanks for that. Second, as stated in my original post, I have not used the drivers you have linked, and i will try them, but that still doesnt explain why the adaptor worked without fault for a week or so then began presenting...
  19. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

  20. B

    Issues with alfa wifi adaptor.

    Hi all, New to the forum, signed up because i am at my wits end. I am by no means an experienced linix user, but have spent a fair bit of time with it recently whilst studying for a comp sci degree. Now, the issue i have is thus: I have an alfa AWUS036AC, last week i got the newest pre-built...