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  1. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    Thank you once again Chris! I downloaded it and ran it right away... took a while, but it's there now so I have some kind of backup.
  2. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    Just did an update through update manager and no warning box! yayyyyy Thanks for all the help Chris... next I get to try and figure out why my browsers will not play Brightcove videos .
  3. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    OK Google.list is gone.. I did save a copy.
  4. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    oops forgot to change dir..
  5. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    This is what I got in terminal when I went for the most recent google.list rm: cannot remove 'google.list': No such file or directory
  6. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    This is what is in there.. I haven't done the rest of the steps yet.
  7. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    I hope I got it right...
  8. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    Thanks Chris, as you can prolly tell I dunno much about this stuff... Yes I use Google Chrome, but to the best of my knowledge I have not installed a new copy, just the usual updates from Linux. NAME="Linux Mint" VERSION="18.1 (Serena)" ID=linuxmint ID_LIKE=ubuntu PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 18.1"...
  9. Soulmann

    Target Package errors

    Every time I update, I get back this error after I click on the 'close' button once the update has installed... any idea what is goin on?
  10. Soulmann

    Eating memory and kernel panic?

    Installed the new kernel and firmware.. will see if that helps.
  11. Soulmann

    Eating memory and kernel panic?

    update says 4.4.0-83.106
  12. Soulmann

    Eating memory and kernel panic?

    uname -r shows this... 4.4.0-53-generic
  13. Soulmann

    Eating memory and kernel panic?

    Yes Rob, this is about a 10 year old machine, dual core Compaq desktop... the automatic update shows there is a newer Kernel and Firmware available... it has the big red 5 on it so I was nervous about installing it since I am rather new at this... not new to computers, but new to this OS.
  14. Soulmann

    Eating memory and kernel panic?

    I installed the newest version of Cinnamon Mint not long ago, maybe 2 months now? Clean install on HDD. not sharing HDD with any other OS. This morning I started getting this message. SO I did some reading in the forums, but being new to all this, not a lot of it is helping. I did a Top command...