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  1. C

    i3wm have low performance in Debian 10

    thanks, for yor reply, i did not know that firefox consume so much ( repeat that i new in linux ( in the uses of OS), but in comparation with xfce, i3 takes more longer time to launch the applications and without anyone application consume around 350 MB, it can be for the drivers? or some...
  2. C

    i3wm have low performance in Debian 10

    Regards! Usually i uses xfce in Debian and its performance is more than good ! is excellent, however i am data scientist and i3wm for me is more suitable for work! (LaTeX, Python, R....) all in a desktop and install from scratch Debian 10 and install i3wm and for instance firefox could consume...
  3. C

    Debian 10 only boot if i install xfce4-session

    Regards, i have a question, a few days ago install stable Debian buster, from scratch ( only standard system utilities), but after the installation i reboot the system and ACPI erros are shown, however when i plug the charger the computer boot, namely the computer only boot when the charger...