rhel 8

  1. S

    Official RHEL 8 DISA STIG

    I upgraded RHEL 7 to 8.9 an EC2 instance using leapp tool. Then, I ran the Ansible playbook to remediate DISA STIG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (https://github.com/RedHatOfficial/ansible-role-rhel8-stig). It only applied a few medium and low-severity items. No CAT I findings even though it...
  2. S

    Boot issue after the upgrade

    I upgraded (in place using leapp) one of the servers RHEL v7.9 to 8.9. As per the preupgrade report I had to disable the FIPS mode. I enabled the FIPS mode after the successful upgrade & reboot. The server doesn't boot now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I enabled using the below...
  3. A

    IWA alternative on Linux RHEL 8

    Im having a windows server configured with an adfs, which is used as Idp with saml in keycloak for my application, then I'm using adfs Device authentication, so I can login to my apps using my session credentials, on windows it works fine, I want to do the same from a Linux rhel 8 workstation...
  4. T

    How to properly create a network fileshare on RHEL 8.5

    Hello everyone, and thanks for letting me join the forum. I would like to ask for help regarding one particular problem. I need to create a fileshare on RHEL so that it is accessible on Windows Server 2016 environment. From what I understand I have 2 basic options - either create a SMB share...
  5. S

    Move /var directory to a new partition

    I'd like to move /var directory to a new partition on the SAME disk. I'm not adding any new hard disk. I tried the following commands to do so. Can someone help with the last 2 commands? Also, how do I make sure it doesn't use old /var anymore? lsblk mkdir /mnt/newvar blkid mount /dev/xvda1...
  6. KeYunLong

    "end Kernel Panic - not syncing: Fatal exception" during the installation Red Hat 8

    Hi, I'm learning Linux. Until now, I used Centos 7 and I didn't have any issue. I wanted to check Red Hat 8, so I downloaded " Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Boot ISO" (later I tested 8.6 as well) I attach screenshots from the installation to let you know that I'm not doing any mistakes...