
  1. Terminal Velocity

    GUFW log - What should I expect to see in there?

    For example if attempted an incoming connection and the firewall deny it would I see that in the log?
  2. Terminal Velocity

    Solved Attempt to install UFW

    I use Debian 11, I found this guide: https://wiki.debian.org/Uncomplicated%20Firewall%20(ufw) At the beginning of the guide has this warning: ''Warning: If you are configuring over SSH, you may wish to allow SSH before enabling the firewall. If your connection gets interrupted before allowing...
  3. U

    Which Linux firewall do you use?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. Which firewall do use and why? I'm currently using ufw because I have (or had up until a week ago) no experience setting up firewalls but I was able to do what I wanted to do with ufw that is block all outgoing traffic on my computer to ports 80 and 443 and then...
  4. hal_sk

    Firewall basic settings

    Hello, I run VPS with public IP with mail and web server on it. I have heard it might be good idea to set up a firewall. So I did these ufw settings, hoping, it will only allow ssh, mail and web related ports. And then rebooted VPS. Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: deny (incoming)...
  5. U

    IPtables rules to NFTables rules

    OS: Debian 11 x86_64 I am looking to convert some of my iptable rules to nftables. I have tried to use iptables-translate, but it is not translating all of my rules. My original iptables script: #!/bin/sh sudo apt install iptables # accept ports 500 and 4500, required for IKEv2 sudo...
  6. Nemesis

    Adding program rules to ufw application.d open ports to ALL apps?

    Hi all! I've been looking around for a solution to specify ufw firewallrules for a specific program. I found out that using the applications.d should do the trick. However, upon adding the rules to the firewall, the firewall opens the port for all applications, not only the one I specified...
  7. Nemesis

    Blocking all outgoing ports not allowed?

    Hi all! I'm trying to block all outgoing ports, so only my VPN client can access the net. No, I'm not using the terminal, I'm running Linux Mint 19.2, and the firewall gui. However, the firewall don't accept the ports (see screenshot) I can't press the add button, since it's grayed out. There...