Am I Stupid?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2022
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thought that would catch the attention. I am attempting to install some stuff in Kali. specifically I was trying webshag but I download it, and when I go to configure or build or even follow the directions I get tons of syntax errors. Such as missing parenthesis on the perl print statements etc. Needless to say I can't make it work. Same thing for grabber.

are the programmers that lazy that they can't even test it and just send us stuff I have to rewrite? or am I doing something wrong? I feel I am doing something wrong since I do not have time to rewrite something that somebody else supposedly already did.

Why does this sound like it's got a github somewhere with a documentation section that has one instructional paragraph and 30 pages for each feature/function but the only data provided on said documentation is "Seeking Contributors!" lol.

Just me? Figures lol.
pensei que isso chamaria a atenção. Estou tentando instalar algumas coisas no Kali. especificamente, eu estava tentando o webshag, mas fiz o download e, quando vou configurar ou construir ou até mesmo seguir as instruções, recebo muitos erros de sintaxe. Como falta de parênteses nas instruções de impressão Perl, etc. Escusado será dizer que não consigo fazer funcionar. A mesma coisa para o agarrador.

os programadores são tão preguiçosos que nem conseguem testá-lo e apenas nos enviam coisas que tenho que reescrever? ou estou fazendo algo errado? Sinto que estou fazendo algo errado, pois não tenho tempo para reescrever algo que alguém supostamente já fez.
know this is off-topic, but what do you know about Webshells in kali? I would like to learn more about it. Do you have extensive experience with it?
know this is off-topic, but what do you know about Webshells in kali? I would like to learn more about it. Do you have extensive experience with it?

inserts side eye GIF

Se estiver interessado em aprender mais sobre web shells para fins educacionais ou defensivos, você pode explorar recursos sobre segurança cibernética, hacking ético e testes de penetração. O Humble Bundle costuma agrupar livros sobre esses tópicos a preços realmente acessíveis. Usei o Google Translate para sua conveniência; Eu não falo português :p
know this is off-topic, but what do you know about Webshells in kali? I would like to learn more about it. Do you have extensive experience with it?
I am just learning Kali so not familiar with webshells. as you can tell I am trying new programs out some with issues.
@AlphaObeisance don't do that please, otherwise the rest of us have to use Google Translate to understand what you wrote.

The Poster indicated with his quote he was responding to the OP, and he phrased his question in English.

Thank you

Chris Turner
has not been updated in 8 years - requires python-wxgtk2.8 which has been truncated in Debian 12 repos what is available now is python3-wxgtk4.0 - so I believe it is a compatibility issue
has not been updated in 8 years - requires python-wxgtk2.8 which has been truncated in Debian 12 repos what is available now is python3-wxgtk4.0 - so I believe it is a compatibility issue
I think you've hit the nail on the head here.
This is a common problem when trying to build/install older programs/libraries.
If they use an older version of the programming lanugage, or if they have older library dependencies - you won't be able to get them running without significant work.

Python is especially susceptible to this problem. Especially when there are incompatibilities between different versions (which there are between python2 and python3). So you'd have to update the source code of webshag from python2 to python3. And you've also got to update all of the wxgtk stuff from version 2.8 to 4.x. And then you've got any other external dependencies to consider.

Which would basically mean a complete rewrite.
I've been trying to port Drumburp (drum tablature software) from pyQT4 to pyQT5, ever since QT4 disappeared from Debian's repos in Debian 11. And even that's been proving to be a nightmare. By the time I finally get that working - QT5 will probably disappear from the repos.

QT6 has just been released, so it's only a matter of time!

Which is a point - I haven't done anything on that for a while.... Not surprising really. Between working full time, playing drums for three bands AND family time - all of my pet programming projects have sort of fallen by the wayside.
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thought that would catch the attention. I am attempting to install some stuff in Kali. specifically I was trying webshag but I download it, and when I go to configure or build or even follow the directions I get tons of syntax errors. Such as missing parenthesis on the perl print statements etc. Needless to say I can't make it work. Same thing for grabber.

are the programmers that lazy that they can't even test it and just send us stuff I have to rewrite? or am I doing something wrong? I feel I am doing something wrong since I do not have time to rewrite something that somebody else supposedly already did.
You're not stupid, but I assure you at least 80% of open source code if you want to use it you have to be able to understand the language being used and be able to fix and adapt the code to your needs.

Good open source coders are rare so good luck finding their repos and be ready to fix stuff yourself.
know this is off-topic, but what do you know about Webshells in kali? I would like to learn more about it. Do you have extensive experience with it?
I've use the webshells. I personally use them for pentesting, however....If you can upload one to a webserver through flaw or misconfigured server, then you can get RCE on the server.

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