Cannot set up InnoDB support in MySQL due to "pthread_create returned 11" error




i cannot set up InnoDB support in MySQL due to "pthread_create returned 11" error . i would like to ask for help and advice here
This is done on an OpenVZ VPS, Ubuntu 10.04 & CentOS

I have downloaded

Which has an InnoDB support out-of-the-box. Then, i've tried three different package managers in 3 different distributives (you helped me in swapping between them) in order to install mysql-server-5.6. And only last effort succeeded. Mysql worked with InnoDB support, but only with --skip-grant-tables key. Then i tried to delete database with "rm /var/mysql/db" and mysql_install_database it again. After all operations a stable "pthread_create returned 11" error take place.

Different combinations of different distributives and mysql versions (5.5/5.6) have the same behaivour..
Last case I had just tried to update Ubuntu and it failed for me =(.

I need only following commands to be executed correctly(ubuntu 10.04, lts):

apt-get install update-manager-core
tar -xvf mysql-server_5.6.20-1ubuntu14.04_i386.deb-bundle.tar
apt-get install <unpacked file name>.deb

As a result, mysql database server 5.6 should be deployed on Ubuntu 14.04. doing "mysql -uroot" we can check a value in "show engines;" output. InnoDB support should be YES in it. Also, innoDB support can be checked many other ways.

Possibly you don't have enough free resources inside your OpenVZ container.'
Look to your /proc/user_beancounters and check 'failcnt' counters.
Probably some of them have not zero value.
In this case you should increase required resources available for your VM.

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