Change distros or just rename...


Active Member
Jun 3, 2023
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So, it turns out the BDE is due to explode in about three weeks with a massive litter of one, count them: "one", puppies. My dilemma is this: In honor of the occasion, should I A) switch to "Puppy" linux or B) just relabel my current distro as "Tiny Core-gee" or C) just post lots of pics on facebook?

foot note 1: EHTML tag <TIC> denotes "tongue in cheek" content.

<TIC>EHTML: "ersatz hypertext markup language"</TIC>

<TIC footnote="1">
So, it turns out the BDE is due to explode in about three weeks with a massive litter of one, count them: "one", puppies. My dilemma is this: In honor of the occasion, should I A) switch to "Puppy" linux or B) just relabel my current distro as "Tiny Core-gee" or C) just post lots of pics on facebook?

foot note 1: EHTML tag <TIC> denotes "tongue in cheek" content.

<TIC>EHTML: "ersatz hypertext markup language"</TIC>
Still only one... but possibly a massive litter anyway...

I'm no expert but, to me, that looks like an enormous little doglet. I'll find out later this week.
Breed ?
just relabel my current distro as "Tiny Core-gee" or C) just post lots of pics on facebook -

How old is she ? poppa also a corgi ?
She's almost 5.

Yes, he's an AKC champion whereas she's an IABCA International champion (yeah, that and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee - but only if you're a senior citizen).

The owner of the stud, who is also the co-breeder of the BDE, really wanted a puppy from this "litter" because otherwise she loses a bit of bloodline that she really wanted to maintain. On the flip side, the BDE carries the bloodline from my sister's very first Cardigan from 1980. So of course there would be just one puppy.

At least it won't be too hard to decide which is the "pick" puppy. :)

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