Could not boot or install any Linux for my old PC



This problem above is ocurring. Could someone please help me please? I've tried with Elementary OS and Lubuntu both give the same problem. I think it's about graphic or sth else?
3ghz pentium4 processor 512*2 mb ram 256 nvidia fx5500 graphic cards


Hard to read your photo... "corrupted low memory" and "TV encoder" seem to stand out.

1. Check the MD5SUM of the ISO files for Lubuntu and Elementary OS to be sure you have a good download. Corrupted ISO's can do crazy things.

2. Does "TV encoder" indicate you have anything connected while trying to install? If so, unplug it. Only have keyboard, mouse, and monitor connected during install. (Speakers are probably okay too though.)

3. The problem may well be due to graphics. By chance do you have TWO graphics cards installed? If so, remove one. There are a number of boot options that help with graphics problems, but I'd check out these things that I have mentioned first.

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