Easy installation of programs for newbies


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
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Lately many of the Windows newbies who I have talked to and who have tried Linux, keep crying about how hard it is to install a program, when the process involves commands for terminal. So here I'm gonna show all of them how to easily install any program with just a single click. Or a double click, if they haven't set up their file manager.
This can be done for every single program out there that requires terminal commands to be installed.
I'm gonna use Wine for this example and it's up to you to make the proper replacements to match your program.

So, you found your program and the instructions on the website tell you to enter these commands in terminal. Which can be tedious, I agree. Here's what you do: open any text editor your Linux has (mine is GEdit). Copy the first command, paste it in the file, leave one space after it and add &&, then leave one more space. Copy the second command and do the same. Do the same with the rest of the commands. This is what the text file should look like at the end:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get -y install wget && wget -qO - https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ xenial main' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable -y

The last command tells the apt applicaiton to install all the recommended libraries as well as the stable version of Wine - all that AS ROOT. Which is something similar to the Windows function "Run as Administrator". But note the '-y' command at the end of the line. When you run such a command, terminal asks you whether you want to continue and waits until you actually pres the "Y" key and then press enter. The '-y' actually confirms in advance that action, so you don't have to do it when asked.

Now that you have pasted all the commands, save the file somewhere - in a folder with the desired program name and the file itself should be named "install" - no other words, no extension! Then right click that file, choose "properties", go to "rights" or whatever it is called in your language and click the option "make this file executable". Close the properties window and double click it. A small question dialog should appear asking you what you want to do with it. The options may vary but the one you need is "execute in terminal". The terminal will ask you for your password (type it and press enter). You won't see your password or any other symbols while you type it - Linux standard. From that point all you have to do is wait. When the installation is completed, the terminal will disappear from the screen, thus you will know the program you wanted is installed. Now just find your program in the menu and enhoy.

the website tell you to enter these commands in terminal. Which can be tedious, I agree.

Tip: You do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the command written on the web page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press your mouse wheel or mouse middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors!

(If you have a two button mouse you just need to press both simultaneously.)
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Tip: You do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the command written on the web page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press your mouse wheel or mouse middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors!

(If you have a two button mouse you just need to press both simultaneously.)
That's not what this topic is about. It's about making things easier for the newbies who get scared of the many commands they have to enter plus saving them from doing it all over again, if they had to reinstall OS or the program. As for copying text, everyone can do it however they like.
1) You say nothing about installing from Repository using the likes of Synaptic.

2) It looks like you are using a Debian type package.

How about downloading the .deb, clicking on the downloaded .deb and choosing install with Gdebi?
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How about downloading the .deb, clicking on the downloaded .deb and choosing install with Gdebi?
And if the program's dev didn't pack it in a deb file, then what? Which is the case with Wine. You're gonna tell the newbie to give up thus sending them back to Windows?
Just a note on the above.

In Arochester's link ... 31 March saw a recent update, so the lines

Now run the following command in order to add the relevant repository from the WineHQ:

$ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ artful main'

You should be able to change "artful main" to "bionic main".

Cheers all

Clearly you don't get the purpose of my topic and I don't feel like clarifying it for you. If you don't like it, just delete it and move on.

But I know how I felt when I was newbie and saw such long instructions and this topic will help another newbie to stay on Linux, instead of hopping back to safe insecurity of Windows.

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