Getting work with Linux


New Member
Sep 11, 2023
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I didn't see a 'Linux Jobs' thread but I'll re-post this there if I missed it.

I'm not entirely new to Linux but I am looking for entry level work using Linux systems. The traditional IT career path seems to start with Help Desk and A+ certification. Looking at the job postings in my area, this means working with Windows most likely most of the time which isn't my first choice.

Ultimately I'll do what I have to to break into the field but I am wondering if there is another entry path that would have me working with Linux systems. I am planning on RHCSA certification and would like to work with servers. Those jobs tend to require more experience though.

It might help if you told people the area...
I was wondering more about a general start to a Linux career path that differs from the A+ >> Help Desk route. But if it helps, my area is in the Northeast US.
Hello @jibboom,
Welcome to the forums.
These sites may help your focus you efforts a bit more. I am not in the linux loop in the NE so to speak. But my advise would be to find a Linux group near you and see where that leads.
Good Luck in your search.
Hello @jibboom,
Welcome to the forums.
These sites may help your focus you efforts a bit more. I am not in the linux loop in the NE so to speak. But my advise would be to find a Linux group near you and see where that leads.
Good Luck in your search.
Ok. Thanks for those links. I will check them out. Thanks for the reply.
my experience in it is that A+ and pretty much any other certification is just a way for somebody to make money off a piece of paper. I have seen and worked with people that have pages of certifications yet couldn't plug in a modem into a PC without sparks flying (no exaggeration).
One person i worked with had no certifications at all however he was one of the best Novell people(yes it was a while ago) you could find in the South East USA. I learned alot from him.
Now if you want to take a great lesson from these certification people, make your own niche. Learn and get good. Always practice and always learn when somebody has something to teach. It is slow to build word of mouth reputation but they carry more weight than any degree or piece of paper. Think about how did these people that certify you get to be somebody that can certify you? Did they get divine knowledge or did they do what I just said? You can achieve the same level of notoriety with word of mouth as any paper and of course the paper does nothing more than word of mouth you just can carry the paper with you.

I started a business specializing in Linux here in Alaska (yes I do work windows and mac also, always good to be fluent in other areas). 5 years ago and the word of mouth has spread that even the phone company recommends me to people to solve issues based solely on that word of mouth.

There may not be any fast tracks but try these steps.

1.. Learn not only Linux, but Mac and Windoze.
2.. Be confident even if you are not sure inside.
3.. Be honest and kind to people even if they are stupid. (stupid people have money too)
4.. Show your knowledge and don't be afraid of the words "I Don't Know" as long as you follow them with "I Will Find Out"
5.. Work with other people in the field and learn from them.

Don't be afraid to create your own job, it is perhaps one of the fastest ways for other companies to see you and want you. One of the people I used to work with and learn from was recruited as CEO of a tech company in Maryland. Based solely on reputation and his demonstration of knowledge in real life not because he had paid hundreds of dollars for a piece of paper.
