Help with fuse file system


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
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Ok first hope not offend anyone and if this post is allowed.. first ? How would one stop a non user or in my case intruders from mounting and setting up a fuse file system? I've tried everything under the sun to no avail.. second how to stop and remove the fuse file system from storage? Now I'll add the fact it's in all my devices currently 6 Android an can't prove as with Android but two iPhones even one pixel cell not ever even activated.. I know for fact what's going on but not the how.. tho I've few leads or ideas as each time it happens there's some common dominators mbridge700 mraid and I'm thinking something native bridge.. wifi direct and or the fm radio.. this is super serious it's got to stop or at the very least disabled and remove the fuse file system running a simple root with a nex is that slowly takes over replacing apps with a next version dated 12/1969 with insane permissions.. I've documented so many crazy things and can share .. like system wide silent notifications, every click, operation,txt both to an from makes endpoint to endpoint useless.. every single notification possible then visual voicemail dialing to send thru RTT ?? Please someone advise.. I'm at wits end I've read up on the fuse even joined dev an git hub.. nothing available works or even detects best I can do is stop certain apps with firewall ai but it don't help a next app will change with a permissions changed. Impossible to compare manifest all the time.. also yhea access denied on root fuse os important files. And my devices all have different os versions, can't see iPhone an yes two windows laptops win 10 an 11 there all infested
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