I finally have my ASUS again!!!!!

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
It's been a crazy 2 1/2 months. The drama seems to be wrapping up. I finally got my ASUS out of storage. The monitor was damaged though. For now I'm using a TV. If not for the glare, it's not bad!

Now over to the support forums... Having some trouble with my updates. 2 1/2 months of updates. Yikes!

I'm used to having a very large display. Thankfully the TV I'm using is almost as big as the monitor I had. Until today, I've been using the cheapest laptop I could find. It was supposed to a very temporary thing. The graphics are absolutely horrible! And the screen is tiny!


I finally have some time to relax, I've got my beloved ASUS and now I get to have some fun!


You're about to be hit with loads of questions. Lucky you! :p

I have a list. I've answered some of these questions myself. However, every answer leads to another question. That's just the way my mind works!

And this just occurred to me...

How many people think that exploring the nuances of a new operating system is fun on a Saturday night? ;)
I found most of my answers on my own. I had one question left. I couldn't figure out which forum to post in. I sat staring for about 5 minutes. Then I got really hungry. I stopped for a sandwich. It was really good. I might have another one...

I didn't write down my last question and now I don't remember what it was... I think another sandwich will help me remember.
I remembered my question. But now I'm tired. My question wouldn't make much sense. I'll come back tomorrow with the question I didn't get around to researching and the new one I forgot. I'll also brag about the things I learned tonight!
Sometimes you just need a beer to go with that sandwich... but sometimes it really calls for a coffee.