Kubuntu 13.10 Acer Aspire 3680 no wireless

Oh boy --- eating pride on this one but what is repo, do "apt-get update". Is that the exact command line? I know what apt-get update is but repo, do is new to me.

If it is the entire command line, I copied it and it didn't do anything.

Sorry to be an old noob.

Repo stands for "repository", as in software repository. On most 'buntus, you can easily enable the standard multiverse repo on /etc/apt/sources.list or on software/update managers settings.

The answer to my wireless is that the ethernet cable is removed and I am online. Thanks again.

Should I still do and update?
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main universe restricted multiverse"

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