Missed this section previously


Jun 5, 2024
Reaction score
With a delay I better introduce myself.
New to Linux, bought a second hand laptop (after getting some directions here, thank you).
Having a brand new SSD to install Linux on and hopefully the RAM will be sufficient to get a use of Win11 Pro that arrived preinstalled, in the VM.
I am no computer geek so I will probably go with some easy to use distro, but I don't fear getting my hands dirty when necessary (my garden produce on the plate is my proof).
Like when my Win10 Pro couldn't install Windows updates earlier this year and I had to perform, as an average user, a risky operation to extend the recovery partition. I succeeded, which boosted my confidence in computers. I learned some more and that brought me here after a few months. The new announcements about the Recall, data harvesting, ads everywhere, updates that changed some settings to the users and other pesky activities of the mighty MS (sounds like a disease) only boosted my determination to switch.
I am a dog with a bone and INTJ, so hopefully it will be fun!

G'day Trynna, Welcome to Linux.org

How much ram ?

You aim to install Linux on a separate drive....or on the same as win 11 (dual boot) ?

Installing Linux is dead easy, and always fun

Linux Mint will keep you on the path....easy to use, best support, rock solid.
How much ram ?

You aim to install Linux on a separate drive....or on the same as win 11 (dual boot) ?

Linux Mint will keep you on the path....easy to use, best support, rock solid.

16gb RAM and I am going to swap the SSD. I have been warned that dual boot can be a problem with Win updates. So I will tidy it into the VM.
the mighty MS (sounds like a disease)
LOL it is! :D
Welcome to the fun!
16gb of ram will run Mint. i dont know about others.
Welcome to the forums
Welcome to the Forum.
