optimized live CD for travel laptop, no hard drive



Hi All,

I've been thinking about a road trip, but security worries me. Been thinking about completely removing the hard disk and just booting/running the operating system from the CD. Temp storage would come from USB flash drive.

What would be the best distro on liveCD for this purpose?

Or Knoppix... since it has so many apps built in to it.

But if I were to travel internationally, I don't think I'd even take a computer these days. It wouldn't be worth the potential hassle, to me.

Good luck!
I tried Tails quite a while ago and liked it. Seems I recall that it could not deal with video very well while maintaining security. Any changes to that??

I have not tried Knoppix in many years, time for a new look-see.

Seems to me that a machine without a hard disk (and instant flash storage only as needed) would take care of a lot of potential problems and false claims. Low end laptops are so cheap that it would not be a loss if "authorities" decided to steal it.

I'm lost without alternative news on the 'net. I can't even watch mainstream news these days as the content and steerage are just too obvious.

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