Proposal to add a new type of permission to a resource



Karl Denninger on his blog has suggested a new permission scheme for mobile devices that I feel would have use on Linux in general. Since I haven't posted more than 4 articles the system won't let me post a link so if you want to read the article do a search for "Innovation That Apple And Google Can't Provide" and look for "denninger".

Admittedly he is a blackberry bigot (one of the few left standing) but he makes an important point.

In a nutshell, in modern systems we need to have more granularity of control over process permissions such as network access, weather a process can run as a daemon ect. This could be tied to an extra bit in the permissions mask that when set allows an extended set system resources that the system administrator can control for a process. Something like:

chmod --extended <hex number> ....

where "--extended" sets switches for meta permissions such as
network permissions
allow running as a daemon
allow fork

Any thoughts?

I think that other tools such as SELinux, pax, and the like already accomplish similar tasks.

More importantly a similar setup could be acheived via group permissions. IE say to access the network you must be in the NET group. And NET can only access files that it owns or public files. Services can be run with group permissions. chroots can be use for some services. Lets not also forget containers..

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