Realtek 8821CU


New Member
May 5, 2021
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I have a question about driver support for Realtek 8821CU radios. It has been a couple years now and people with USB dongle devices using that want to use better than 802.11bgn dongles with 8188 or 8189 radios still don't have kernel support patched in. There has been a workaround for years now but seeing as how 802.11ac is much better than other 802.11 options when will we see this? It can't be that hard to evaluate the patch from GitHub and implement in to the linux kernel?

over at GitHub brektrou/8821CU has the linux kernel patch. It would be nice to this implemented in to the actual kernel build making it much easier for people who would like a better bandwidth usb dongle solution for wifi.


The only way to get done would be to be to contact the the kernel developers and see if they take driver requests but I'm not sure if there is an official way. FYI is not an official part of the linux kernel, it's just a domain name that has linux in the name.
I kinda figured that after making the post so I followed up with distro (in this case Fedora/Silverblue). They asked me to open a bug report which I did. Since then I have been beating my head against a wall trying to compile the driver(s) myself with dkms in a silverblue toolbox so I could turn them in to an rpm and attach to the bug report. Silverblue toolbox containers seem to be neutered podman containers so trying to figure out how to create a podman container in silverblue with systemd running so I can make the ko modules, package them and send in. I am about to ditch silverblue and rebase to F34, that might be easier. Hoping that if Fedora adds these in the iso then other distros will follow suit soon.

