Snap Chromium don't work after update


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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Since 08.06.2024 update of Chromium (snap) on my Xubuntu 22.04 LTS, Chromium has stopped working. Also don't work Brave Browser (also snap), Video Downloader and some another program.

update.go:85: cannot change mount namespace according to change mount (/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/local/share/doc /usr/local/share/doc none bind,ro 0 0): cannot open directory "/usr/local/share": permission denied
update.go:85: cannot change mount namespace according to change mount (/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/sphinx_rtd_theme /usr/share/sphinx_rtd_theme none bind,ro 0 0): cannot write to "/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/sphinx_rtd_theme" because it would affect the host in "/var/lib/snapd"
[0617/] ptrace: Input/output error (5)
[0617/050218.844031:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0617/] ptrace: Input/output error (5)
[6377:6377:0617/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=135

How to solve this problem?

G'day codelenovo, Welcome to

I know zero re snaps.

But a reasonable conclusion would be that the drama is entirely snap related. Have you had these problems before this?

Was there a kernel upgrade immediately prior to this happening ? ....anything that may have changed something, somewhere ?....

fwiw, I have zero problems with Flatpaks.

Others here may have a solution to your immediate problem
There could be several things causing this

When you updated the snapd package did you use sudo? I see this - "cannot open directory "/usr/local/share": permission denied"

This may be linked to AppArmor, it secures the snaps. In your Home directory in Ubuntu check to see if the default folders (images, music, videos, etc… ) have a symlink with the same name pointing to other drives or somewhere else. This could be causing a security issue with AppArmor. If there, try to remove the symlinks and put back the folders, reboot and the snap should now launch. You can apply that solution to other snaps.

You can try re-installation with
snap remove snap-store
followed by
snap install snap-store
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In your Home directory in Ubuntu check to see if the default folders (images, music, videos, etc… ) have a symlink with the same name pointing to other drives or somewhere else.
No. Symlinks are ok. I DON'T change anything more weeks.

And another people have the same problem (for example, I read about this on AskUbuntu, but without solving).

P.S. I use Xubuntu 22.04 LTS, not Ubuntu.
It's normal to ask in different places.
It's bad form etiquette to post the same question in different places. For this problem it's probably best to report a bug to Ubuntu or to the Snap package developer.
It's impolite and extra work for volunteers when you ask your question at multiple places. We have no idea what you've covered elsewhere, what they've suggested, what you've done to test, etc...

You're wasting our time. Time is a limited asset. Please don't do that.

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