Today's article has you stringing commands together in the terminal.


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Jul 23, 2020
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There's a few ways to do this, each with their own purpose. I hope I make them clear in this article.

Feedback makes the articles better, just like racing improves the breed! (That's from Mr. Honda, not referring to horses.)

I know it might be out of the scope of your article but it might be useful to add that when used in an if statement that || means "or" and && means "and". And there's also true and false expressions where they can be used.
Yeah, that's beyond the article's scope - but it'd make a fine addition as a comment. I don't think your comments need to be manually approved anymore. ;)

One of the things I'd like to start covering is some basic shell scripting - but I've got some confidence issues going on there. I'm really not as well-versed as I once was/should be. Heck, at one point I was fairly fluent in Perl and Regex mostly made sense to me.

The project officially ends sometime soon. I think it was in April that I started this site - ignoring the old site entirely. But, it has been informative/entertaining enough to still have my attention. I'm probably going to keep it going for a while.

If I get too bored of it, or it becomes too onerous, I may just have to put some feelers out there to see if someone will take it over. It does make a few dollars with the ads, but not all that many.
Yeah, that's beyond the article's scope - but it'd make a fine addition as a comment. I don't think your comments need to be manually approved anymore. ;)
Yeah I know, I thought I would comment here first :)
LOL Might as well! Your comments are always welcome, here or there.

I suppose I could someday sell the domain/contents of the site, but I'm not sure how valuable it'd be outside of the domain name. The site does pretty good (consider its age) in Google. The content, however, is licensed under a permissive license. I use a Creative Commons license that lets anyone use the content for anything they want, so long as they properly attribute the material.
Only comment from me is on typo

cd Foo || mkdir foo

// should be

cd Foo || mkdir Foo


Got it covered, thanks!

I went through making some lowercase (or uppercase, I forget as that was days ago!) and must have missed one. I'll make it match.

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