Trying to start



I have been building my own pcs (and friends') for quite awhile, so I am comfortable with the hardware. I've taken several programming courses in my years of education and was fairly functional in DOS.

My current machine is an Asus M2NPV-VM mb , 8Gb ram , two Western Digitail 300Gb 10k rpm Velociraptors , using onboard DVI video.

I'm running Windows XP professional 32-bit on one drive, and I wanted to go with a 64-bit OS on the other drive.

Linux seemed like a good choice, so I downloaded the isos and burned bootdisks for Ubuntu 12.04 AND Mint 14 KDE. I downloaded Mint after Ubuntu would not boot after being loaded on the hard drive. The Mint bootdisk never generated a viewable screen, just video junk.

Now, I have some patience; but not a huge amount. I read on various sites that Ubuntu was very user friendly and the same for Mint. When neither of them can perform a basic load, boot and run...I become somewhat skeptical of the whole "wonderfulness" of Linux.

Is there a "Distro for Idiots"?

Get this driver, first. Put it on a USD stick easily accessed. Also be aware you may want this, but it is probably in the repos and will be downloaded from there, preferably.

At install, distro may ask if the option to install 3rd-party drivers is desired. Say yes and use the above.

You said 64-bit? It doesn't sound like you're an idiot, just a n00b. Don't deapair. I like the new slackel, but some will say to steer away from Slackware-derived distros. Not necessarily so.

Nevertheless, the link I gave you has many distros to choose from. Take your pick.

Q: did you burn the iso to CD at no more than 8X and was the md5sum checked before the burn? Good practice!

MEPIS or Netrunner may interest you.

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