Ubuntu 20.04 how install PS3 controller wired without internet connection ?

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Aug 12, 2020
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How install PS3 controller using wired connection in Ubuntu 20.04 64 bits without internet connection ?
If possible I want to avoid any driver or software related with xbox.
Thanks for reply.

So you installed 20.04 without an internet connection? I'm sure that went well.

No driver that is not in the Ubuntu repos can be loaded into an Ubuntu installation without direct user input. So if you need to install a PS3 controller with an internet connection, then connect to the internet.
Installed Lubuntu 20.04 64 bits using ISO.
I only need information if is possible install a PS3 controller without internet access copying files from another computer or from internet.
amazing !
I has tested with MAME and works.
Now with other emulators freeze menu in game controller settings how if the emulator not is having full access.
I will test to see an fix.

The package qtsixa not is installed . qtsixa is the control panel. perhaps need to be installed using dpkg.
qtsixa-gasia is for non original PS3 controller.
Is required the package libusb-0.1-4_0.1.12-32_amd64 for OS 64 bits
qtsixa need python-qt4 and others components being better download using sudo apt-get install -d python-qt4 and saving the downloaded packages.

Yes installing manually qtsixa drivers works, but tested for few minutes happen problems with both analog controls not more working and after not more input for any button and not LED power on.
In moment not understand if is because the qtsixa is for Ubuntu previous version or related with security over USB devices.
Here sixad driver had worked for few minutes.
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