This has me flummoxed, booting error desktop/LMDE [SOLVED]


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
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Ok, boys this started a couple of days back, been trying to fix it without any luck.
Error, switch on desktop, get grub menu no problem there , let it boot first option [or even select/enter first option] which is LMDE, I then get the usual loading ram disk , flash on screen, a couple of seconds later the mint log, then a quick flash [and it's blink you miss it] then crash.
Now the strange part, if i F10 into UEFI and select Debian [the base for LMDE] and enter it boots as normal.
Tried the normal apt codes [fix missing, repair boot, etc] without success.
Any thoughts

I just logged out and then saw the Thread, Brian.

1. Do you have Timeshift snapshots to fall back on?
2. Any updates to Elsie last couple of days?

Morning Chris,
Elsa has had loads of updates over the last week or so, finding which may be defective won't be easy,
yes I have timeshift but it only holds the last 3 days plus the original set up, and this had been happening on and off for over a week. I could roll back to the original set up [about 3 months ago] but I have made quite a few changes since then
I understand.

If, by

a couple of seconds later the mint log, then a quick flash [and it's blink you miss it] then crash.

you mean you get as far as the login screen, then it could be an issue that deleting and reinstalling lightdm might remedy.

Don't try to do that from within the session as you'll brick your Cinnamon.

I only have 30 minutes until I need to go start tea, but if you want to try that, then you would choose

Advanced Options from Grub Menu, and Recovery and then drop to root shell.

In root shell

apt purge lightdm
apt install lightdm

... probably :)

I can test that if you give me a few minutes.

Its annoying but not urgent, now the machine is on it can stay that way for the rest of the day [or if i get bored.]
okey-dokey, if i get anything new, I'll post back, otherwise back on deck in about 14 hours.

get the usual loading ram disk , flash on screen, a couple of seconds later the mint log, then a quick flash [and it's blink you miss it] then crash.
I will ammed this a little to make more sense

get the usual loading ram disk message flash on screen, a couple of seconds later the mint logo, then a quick flash [and it's blink you miss it] of my desktop wallpaper then crash.

It seems to me like its the cinnamon desktop that doesn't want to load on normal boot, but it works perfectly when booting from UEFI,
enjoy your tea [we still call it dinner at this time of your night] and let me know what you think on your morrow

Brickwizard wrote:
get the usual loading ram disk message flash on screen, a couple of seconds later the mint logo, then a quick flash [and it's blink you miss it] of my desktop wallpaper then crash.
If the boot is breaking down at just after the ramdisk starts to unpack, you could consider remaking it with mkinitramfs, and also adjust the configs in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf, and in particular use the "most" option if it's not already set.
Ok so it will soon be lunchtime in the UK, and I will be going down the rub for a couple of sow's, So before I go i am going to attempt to run update-initramfs, I will report back when I try and boot in an hour or so.
Well, that didn't work.. So I tried [article had a warning, but I still gave it a go]

systemctl set-default

re-boot [x4] and it worked each time, will give it a day or so to make sure.

Just in case, I will leave this open, for further comments/suggestions

A few ideas and thoughts:-

Boot LMDE and when it crashes drop to a shell and run 'startx' to see if it takes you to the log in.
If it doesn't take you to the log in or show you any errors it could be that the Cinnamon DE like you said is lacking what it needs to load.
Perhaps something didn't get upgraded <OR>maybe the run level got borked?

It could be that the driver for the GPU isn't loading and that's causes Cinnamon to crash. It's happened to me.

I do not know what might cause that to happen. Please boot to a live session of LMDE5 and run inxi -Gx to see if the renderer is showing as loaded.

See if LMDE will boot in Recovery Mode?

Check the /var/log directory or use the dmesg cmd for clues:-
sudo journalctl | grep ‘error’
sudo dmesg | grep ‘error’

Before removing (just a suggestion and this would be the *last resort*) the Cinnamon DE and reinstall it. Here's the download to the pkg so you have it if APT can't find it.

Looks like LMDE 5 had this problem before, a year ago-

Hope that helps:-
Has that included a Kernel update, Brian ?
what makes it even stranger is I currently have the LMDE drive in the laptop, it has had all the same updates but as yet not caused any problems
Strange indeed !

Any chance the kernel it updated to/current kernel is 5.15.0-60 ..?

I have had a few experiences with that kernel, which I can only describe as "weirdness"

Different os/hardware/etc etc...blah blah/////.....but......
I have also noted a 5.19 kernel (which I do not use) has updated itself from 5.19.0-28 to 5.19.0-32.....without appearing in the list of updates. I am not losing it....I have checked....and checked.....and rechecked.

I am super aware of kernel updates....maiking sure I have a snapshot in place before I even think of trying them out.

As I said...weirdness.

clicking on bug reports in the kernel area can be illuminating.
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Brian.. Note, I am using LMDE
wizard@the-answer-42:~$ uname -r
It will be interesting to see the outcome/fix for this

i am quite certain weirdness will play a part !!
So I tried [article had a warning, but I still gave it a go]

systemctl set-default

Can you share the article link with us, Brian?

And let us know after your Rice Crispies tomorrow morning if it is still working OK.


I will try to find it again but no promises, I spent over 2 hrs searching reading and, taking notes, I did not bookmark it,


oh, and it's smoked North Atlantic Mackrell and toast with horseradish sauce for tomorrows brekki [can't stand cereals]
@Brickwizard :-

Ah, I feel for ya, Brian...

Notwithstanding the fact I only had less than a year with "mainstream" distros before settling-down with 'our Pup' - most of that with Ubuntu - I well remember the near-constant issues with the Unity desktop and pre-boot environment in those days. Hardly a day went by when there wasn't summat needed fixing..!

Puppy's so easy to get on with, it's almost boring. As long as you keep a regular set of back-up 'saves' - a once a fortnight job, regular as clockwork; copy'n'paste, 5 minutes each, around an hour for a dozen or so all told - deletion of the existing 'save' and replacement with a backup works like a charm every time....

Mind you, it gives me that much more time to 'play' with scripting all those wee utilities & other stuff I like developing.....along with keeping the stable of 'portable-apps' up-to-date and available to the community. I tell ya, I never had as much fun with Windows as I do these days with Puppy!! :p

Each to their own. We all 'have fun' in our own ways.

Mike. ;)

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