Tired of all the video problems fresh install but black screen



I got tired of all the video problems. I had been upgrading since the days of 12 and I was using 14.04. My theory was that there was a mess someplace and a fresh install was needed.

I installed 14.04 and now I get a black screen. Going to recovery mode and I get a frozen splash screen. Errrrr!!!

I am sure this is a nvidia problem. I need to make nouveau to take control but can't unless I am in the system. The laptop is old yes (HP Pavillion zv 5000) with video card Nvidia 440. Hard drive just stops at the splash screen.

I opened the DVD drawer and I received a KDE crash handler.

It looks like Ubuntu but I'm not sure. Anyway holding down the shift key at boot will get you to where you can add boot parameters. What you need is nomodeset depmod then you can get booted into the system theoretically with a gui. Once this is done just install the native nvidia drivers and you will be fine. Most distros use nuveau<sp>graphics driver which doesn't work with many computers with nvidia cards.
Thanks but from all the trouble I was having over the past several months with 14.04, which is what prompted a fresh install, I made a decision. My decision was to go backwards several versions to 12.04.

I installed 12.04 and the screen resolution is fine, no black screen and it is where I will most likely keep this older laptop.

I remember the 14.04 had over 2,000 packages installed and this 12.04 install has 1,2074. I think as nice as 14.04 looks, you need a lot more computer power to get it working. Maybe the newer versions are attempting to get to the size of a Windows install?

I am very happy with 12.04. Now all I have to do is get Samba up and running. I forget how I did it last year and I remember it did take some hit and miss.

It looks like Ubuntu but I'm not sure. Anyway holding down the shift key at boot will get you to where you can add boot parameters. What you need is nomodeset depmod then you can get booted into the system theoretically with a gui. Once this is done just install the native nvidia drivers and you will be fine. Most distros use nuveau<sp>graphics driver which doesn't work with many computers with nvidia cards.

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