Recent content by destroyedlolo

  1. D

    Bonjour le monde

    Most of the time, security holes are due to code injection : like user comment not protected against SQL injection, or grating passed in form args :)
  2. D

    How to troubleshoot DTS/DTB ?

    Found a present some device tree discuss, will have to check ...
  3. D

    Bonjour le monde

    Native ... I built my own framework in POO before these framework become powerfull enough and popular and continue to use it even now :)
  4. D

    Bonjour le monde

    Hi all, I'm a French guy flying around Unix since ... well, early of the '90 ;) even if at this early time, my main computer was my beloveled Amigas. First on some commercial Unices (Ultrix on an old deprecated MicroVax, Solaris sun sparcs) and then NetBSD. But facing some nightmare with...
  5. D

    How to troubleshoot DTS/DTB ?

    Hello I have a BananaPI under Gentoo using kernel 5.14. It has several video output and the 2 used are its HDMI port and an LVDS LCD screen. The mainline kernel device tree (DTS) is providing support only for the HDMI one and is working perfectly well (DRM, console, graphics, what-ever). I...
  6. D

    What are you using your single-boards for?

    Hello My main BananaPI (Lemaker one) is the master peace of my network : standard network daemons (DHCP, DNS, ...) hosts my Apache/PHP/PostgreSQL website (notez-bien : if is slowness is not due to the BananaPI but to my Internet provider which put a bad QoS on 80 port) acts as a DNLA server...