Interesting Question :)


Apr 25, 2024
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I've been doing some extensive research on how to keep my laptop super secure.
My MAJOR question is this.

Is their anyway, to either randomize my Canvas Fingerprint.
obviously we're not gonna be able to get rid of fingerprinting. The NSA has done a great job making sure they can identify any individually.
But theirs got to be a way where we can either randomize our canvas fingerprint, or at least mask it.
any suggestions would be great.

I'll just quote the answer of another member in a previous post.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Anyone who is obsessed with security/privacy, and goes out of their way to make themselves safer and more "anonymous" online actually makes themselves easier to track!

Security and privacy aren't exactly "mutually exclusive", but it's an ongoing steeplechase with constantly-shifting goalposts. And THAT, unfortunately, will never change.

Having "portabilized" and tested/tried out so many different browsers over the last few years, my honest opinion is that a browser is a browser. They're all much of a muchness; all competent, all relatively safe; some have one feature, others have another, but there's nowt to really make any ONE stand out head & shoulders above the others.

You pays your money.....and you take your pick. There's ONE inescapable fact, however you look at it; they're the "glue" that hold on-line communities together. Without them, such communities couldn't exist...and thus, there is ALWAYS a "trade-off" between being accessible.......and being "safe" (whatever THAT in fact means).


What do you mean by "Canvas"?
What is Canvas?
The best defense against browser fingerprinting is tor browser.

But you shouldn't worry much about that, I've shared 3 extensions which to use in my previous post, adding more extensions will only bring page browsing experience worse and make you less secure.
The best defense against browser fingerprinting is tor browser.

But you shouldn't worry much about that, I've shared 3 extensions which to use in my previous post, adding more extensions will only bring page browsing experience worse and make you less secure.
I wouldn't use tor browser, Tor's origins were created for the army to be able to communicate with others while on the field without being intercepted by the enemy.That's the reason why so many drug traffickers eventually got caught. Also sure it was the plan to begin with. All in all. its nearly impossible to be %100 hidden on the internet unless that person absolutely hosts there own internet. It is possible but cost like $1000 a year, but that said person gets there own personal hotspot they can carry around ANYWHERE and its super fast. And like i said it is like having complete control over your own internet, The only problem is the nsa can still just go to the company and ask for logs but its not made in the usa. it gets ordered here from a different country I'm sure
The only problem is the nsa can still just go to the company and ask for logs
That's why you should use services from Switzerland like protonmail for email.
Or if you're so much worried that NSA might influence the Swiss law (I hardly doubt) then go to Russian or Chinese services.

I noticed how you're concerned with security and privacy in several threads, I suggest you to grasp fundamentals first because only your understanding of fundamentals can help.

People will suggest you this and that or nothing, but if you don't understand the core no advice is going to help, just saying.

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