Duck Duck Go


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
Reaction score
DDG is having a bad day. Received a message that they are experiencing problems and working hard to fix it.

DDG is having a bad day. Received a message that they are experiencing problems and working hard to fix it.
Yep got the same message using StartPage for now
been down for 7 hrs aprox
Yup I was having problems getting on some websites more than usual.

I'm beginning to think it might just be time to give up DDG and use Google.

Today DDG seems to be running as usual so I stay there for now.

@kc1di Thanks.
It is up now, 4.42am Australia. Eastern Coast
why does a microsoft outage affect DDG? I am now wondering about the not tracked thing with DDG. If microsoft or google is involved in something you can bet they are tracking and data mining the hell out of it.
""The private search engine DuckDuckGo, which isn't owned by Microsoft but uses the Bing API, has also been affected.""

from the link in @kc1di's post
""The private search engine DuckDuckGo, which isn't owned by Microsoft but uses the Bing API, has also been affected.""

from the link in @kc1di's post
thank you for the clarification. my confidence restored but be better if they used their own. Not good to be dependent on another company like that.
Not good to be dependent on another company like that.

While true, pretty much all the more popular search engine alternatives rely on either Google or Bing on the backend. The truth of the matter is that search is REALLY hard and is REALLY hard to do well.

There are a ton of reasons why we don't have much true competition in the space. Modern search is really complicated, though I do hold a soft spot for the old Boolean search. We tend to take search for granted but it's really a complicated task to do and to do well. If it was easy, we'd have more competition in the space.

Heck, I remember back when Google offered appliances (for businesses) so that you could search your own (again, businesses) content. Their search was truly novel at the time.
I believe just about every search engine gets results from Google.

Google has the market share and has for many years.

I'm not a big fan of Google but you just can't beat their search results.
I have still to see an actual example of precisely how a Google search is superior to a DDG search.
I have still to see an actual example of precisely how a Google search is superior to a DDG search.
Depends what you are searching for.

I know there's not much that Google blocks.
DDG can search with no limitations as well

DDG is my go to search. But like every thing else they are tied to Google or MS in some way. They do have good results for me though. @KGIII I remember the days of Boolen :) Hope you all will have a good day.
I have still to see an actual example of precisely how a Google search is superior to a DDG search.
Here is an example of why google is preferred here over duckduckgo. In the following examples, the same search terms were provided to the respective search engines, but the results are significantly different. In particular, the google results access the forums in a more comprehensive way, providing links to numerous articles in those forums, whereas duckduckgo provides a link to a single forum item, and then more formal articles.

The various forums google accesses are usually more informative on the subject matter that I routinely search because some of the correspondents are often exceedingly knowledgeable. The back-and-forth of the conversations that occur in the forums can also often be quite unexpectedly revealing in details which is a consequence of the freer thought processes that are expressed in forum contexts compared with more formal and narrowly focused articles. Both forms of information have their place of course, and succinct and focused articles can be "life savers" at times and provide the best possible outcome at a given moment for an individual, but the bazaar is often surprisingly more helpful and interesting I find, and google covers that more comprehensively than duckduckgo.

Here's google:

Here's duckduckgo:

Points taken, @osprey ....the differences are indeed more informative and comprehensive

Now all we have to do is get Google to straighten their act up re data collection.

@JasKinasis, I know you are an avid user of duckduckgo fu.....would you add anything here ?
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Now all we have to do is get Google to straighten their act up re data collection.
That ain't gonna happen to much money to be made from user data.

Google's been collecting user data for quite awhile and I don't see anything changing.

This is just one of the reasons I just don't care or worry about data collection.

Every search engine / browser collects user data regardless of what they may preach.

I don't like it but it's reality and it ain't gonna change.
Now all we have to do is get Google to straighten their act up re data collection.
NoScript and block all google related domains except those required for googling on

many google domains are triggered on 3rd party sites unrelated to google, if you block these you limit google spying only to your google searches which is fine for me.

And I agree with @osprey there is no search engine to beat google results, I've tried many of them including promissing swisscows.

What everybody certainly needs to know is that all search engines rely on google, bing, yandex and baidu, these 4 are the only search engines with their own index, all other search engines cooperate with them in exchange for ads and similar.

So if you think duckduckgo and similar engines provide their own results you're terribly wrong, and I suggest you read privacy policy of any search engine you try out or use, and you'll see my statement here are more or less true.

duck duck go claims to maintain it's own small index and sources for results but that's nonsense and nowhere close to 4 search engines mentioned above.
