Cloud Storage


Active Member
Jun 24, 2023
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Evening all. I would like advice on cloud storage. I was with ms onedrive. Pretty sure that is who it was. I am not a lover of ms or google. Do you think it is really needed. Why I ask is I have about 16000 photos that I do not want to loose. I currently have them backed up on a usb. Any thoughts on this are very much appreciated. Yes I know I possibly need to get a life and I will be 69 in a few months so I guess senility is creeping in, just humour me. Thanks to all.

I would never use cloud storage. But that's just me. If you want more durable backups, I'd consider buying an external hard drive. If these photos are very important to you, back them up on multiple drives/USBs. That's my advice for what it's worth. :)
To be honest, good backup strategy includes a mix of local AND cloud storage. Yes, you can keep all your personal stuff locally, but common sense dictates that you have at least two copies, one of which is on a remote site not connected with your property.......'cos otherwise, what d'you do if your house burns down?

And the cloud is always useful, because you can access that from anywhere (assuming you have a decent internet connection, of course).....

@noelw :-

I don't know how big your photo collection is in terms of actual size - like, how many GB? - but the only drawback with most 'free' cloud storage solutions is the limited amount of storage space you can have. Google are probably one of the better ones in this respect, since they offer 15 GB. Dropbox only offers 2 GB. will initially offer 100 GB, but this quickly drops to just 20GB if you don't take them up on their repeated offers for paid storage....

I'm currently trialling this one:-

Suku Drive

It's a Google 'look-alike' - in terms of layout & operation - but they offer 75 GB of free storage. I've been with them for about 3 weeks so far, and I admit, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.......but ATM, there's no sign of storage "cutbacks". Not YET, anyway!

Mike. ;)
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If you do store it in the cloud, encrypt it before you upload it. You never know if your cloud provider decides to scan the files on your account and find something against their terms of service and disabling your account.
Evening all. I would like advice on cloud storage. I was with ms onedrive. Pretty sure that is who it was. I am not a lover of ms or google. Do you think it is really needed. Why I ask is I have about 16000 photos that I do not want to loose. I currently have them backed up on a usb. Any thoughts on this are very much appreciated. Yes I know I possibly need to get a life and I will be 69 in a few months so I guess senility is creeping in, just humour me. Thanks to all.
Cloud storage no matter of which firm, MS, google or what ever else is great to have but under one condition.
You should encrypt your photos and upload them in encrypted form, this way nobody can analyze or abuse them including the firms (ms, google etc) themself.

But like @MikeWalsh said, cloud only backup is not wise idea, you should also have an external HDD for backups, this way if either of the 2 fails you have another one for restore.

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