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G'day ubuntulinuxuser, Welcome to Linux.org

We are a little intrigued.

Talk to us.

you wanna give Linux a try....but aren't sure what its all about?

I can tell you....
Welcome to the Forum.
Hmmm, I'm guessing this is an early exercise in your HTML coding journey. I'd call that a "web page" instead of a "web site", since you don't seem to have a "web address" (URL) for it. I'd have used something prettier than the ubuntu logo. :) Still, a decent start.

@CaffeineAddict : Can't say that I've ever seen an image encoded inline like that instead of just referenced as an external file, but it looks legit to my untrained eye. Seems to be just that - a base64 encoded PNG file included in the <img src...> tag. I had no idea you could do that. (I opened it in a text editor before opening it in a browser.)
@mikerocorbut i don't know how to publish that website online
You need a hosting service - there are some decent ones that are fairly inexpensive - even a few free ones, though those often have limited features.

Depending on the hosting service, uploading pages can be as easy as it was to post your page to this forum.

Maybe try neocities.com It's free and ad-free but only supports static pages (no CGI), but it seems like a decent place to get your feet wet. Disclaimer: I haven't used neocities enough to get a feel for its reliability nor any limitations it might have. I don't use it as my primary hosting service as I have a domain hosted elsewhere.

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