display manager

  1. QUARRY&

    Secondary display not rendering properly, getting checkerboard effect

    Hiya fellow GNU/Linux Chad, I hope you are well today. I recently purchased a new secondary monitor for my PC, however when displaying to it over HDMI I get a checkerboard effect that makes it unusable (see screenshot): I strongly suspect this is a driver issue for the following reasons: The...
  2. E

    No option to mirror screen: Ubuntu 21.10

    Hello everyone I am using a Dell XPS13 9360 machine and running Ubuntu 21.10. I want to connect a projector (ViewSonic M1 mini) but in settings I don't have any option to mirror my screen. What is the problem and how do I fix this? Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz × 4 Graphics...
  3. A

    boot stuck on /dev/sda1 clean(part 2)

    Hello, it seems like my original thread doesn't get any more replies, so i'll post a follow up to make sure it's seen. I still want to get my system back without formatting the partition it's on. Here is the original thread (it has a page 2)...
  4. A

    boot stuck on /dev/sda1 clean

    hello fellow linux users, i come to you in a time of great need. So i installed awesome wm and played around for a bit (created configuration files in my home directory) and decided to log off. After clicking the log off button, the screen said: /dev/sda1: clean, xxxxx/xxxxx files, xxxx/xxxxx...
  5. D

    Set display manager at login

    I want to set up linux mint on my old laptop so that it uses chromium instead of xfce. This is easy. There is plenty of advice out there. In linux mint you can edit the desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions so it executes linux-chromium insted of startxfce4. This works well. Users can't do...