29" Ultra wide screen


Richard Rodriguez

I find myself using Window$ again, because Linux wont support Ultra widescreen (at least not mine)

can anyone else who has an Ultra widescreen tell me if they got the resolution to actually work because I an stuck at 1920x1080

I can make it think it is a 2556x1080
but it really inst, I am getting major headaches using it, and when I use Window$ it is much sharper and clearer

it could be just my video card, but I am wondering if any other UWS user has this problem

First you need to know exactly what is your display resolution. Then try to specify it, e.g. if your monitor is 1366x768
xrandr -s 1366x768
What desktop environment are you using? Not all of them support High resolutions. Unity and Gnome 3.16 now support Ultra Wide Screens. I am not sure about KDE but I believe KDE 5 does support Ultra Wide Screens.
is 3.16 the latest update?

I just downloaded from the updater and it is still the same
ok it inst working...does anyone here run Linux and have an Ultra widescreen?

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