A Newbie Learns A Few Things

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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This began as a reply in a thread. Although it loosely related to, it’s too far off topic. However, it IS worthy of it’s own thread

I recently had a problem with the Zoom app functioning properly. Unfortunately, it’s not optional for me. Looking for a solution, I stumbled on what I thought was a bigger one.

I was trying to completely delete ALL of the Zoom app. I don't trust Zoom. I know there are legitimate intentional barriers to uninstalling it from an Android. They obviously put files on my phone to keep me from getting rid of it from within the apps menu. Every other app can be deleted this way. Zoom has to be uninstalled by going to the Google PlayStore.

Knowing that much, I started looking around the internet for a way to delete the app using the terminal. Maybe uninstalling it there would delete the entire thing. I find out how to locate all the Zoom files on my system using the terminal, 'locate zoom'. A LOT of files were generated. I couldn't find directions to delete the app that were either clear or consistent with other directions I found. Which ones were reliable? Would I end up with more problems? I came here for help.

I was advised to use use FlatSweep. It showed the Zoom files left on my system that it deleted. I went back to the terminal, 'locate zoom'. (By now, you probably know what I didn't realize or think of at the time.) I STILL found a lot of Zoom files! I restored my system using Time Shift to a date before ever installing Zoom. I went back to the terminal. STILL THERE!!! Zoom managed to hide it's files in my SnapShots??

I looked through the files on the very first SnapShot. That SnapShot only had the files on the USB drive I created to try out Linux. I search for 'Zoom'. OMG!! I found tons of files there too! Not only that, those files dated all the way back to 2018!!! At that time, I hadn't begun serious efforts to move to Linux, I hadn't even bought the physical drive and I'd never even heard of Zoom!!!

I had a serious problem. It was time to call on WizardFromOZ!!!

He looked at what I posted in a thread. He gave me some commands to enter into the terminal. Flatsweep DID get the lingering Zoom files. I reinstalled Zoom today and everything is fine.

As for all the other ‘Zoom’ files…

If I had looked at the entire path I would have seen that those were Libre files, not Zoom. The word ‘zoom’ the last part of the (string)? But it wasn't a wasted effort. I learned some things and again I’m SO GLAD I moved to Linux. Most likely, it would have taken several days to just locate the files. It would have been an even bigger headache to actually get rid of them.

Issues just like this led to my knowledge about the Giant. And just as with the Giant, I have even more questions inspired by the things I just learned. The biggest one is how to narrow ‘locate zoom’ to files in the app only. I have a long list of other questions!

Get ready and welcome to my journey!​

Glad yo read on that other thread that you got a / a better job!
It's MUCH BETTER job too! Better pay, better hours (for my routine) no weekends, great benefits. The people who work there seem happy. That's usually a good indicator that it's a good place to work.

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