A question about ctrl shift



I had windows for a while but now i use lunix on my virtual box. When i do on lunix : i get ±. when i do / i get - on lunix. For windows to fix this u do ctrl shift. But how do you do it on lunix? I am a starter with lunix.

Thanks for reading, and responding

Hello Sebastiaan Kaas
It sounds as if you have an incorrect Keyboard set up depending on your version of Linux somewhere a control centre will enable you to change the keyboard to the one you have.
I have no way of knowing what country you are from or what type of Keyboard you have, only you can determine the correct one.
I hope this is of help.
Hello Sebastiaan. What ubuntu version do you use?
If you use some ubuntu version with gnome 3 you can use "windows start" key and search "keyboard layout". Here, you can select your correct keyboard setting.

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