I have my speakers plugged into one of my monitors and have three monitors. The audio outputs for each monitor are labeled in the form "TU104 HD Audio Controller Pro {number}". From what I've observed, the number is non-deterministically generated, which means every boot I have to test each output and figure out the one that goes to my main monitor:
Is there a way to either disable audio via HDMI/DP for all monitors except a certain one (DP-2) or make the numbers deterministic so on boot they don't change?
System: (tldr: wayland + nvidia + pipewire)
Is there a way to either disable audio via HDMI/DP for all monitors except a certain one (DP-2) or make the numbers deterministic so on boot they don't change?
System: (tldr: wayland + nvidia + pipewire)
::::. '::::: ::::' derock@derock-desktop
'::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 24.05.20240327.2726f12 (Uakari)
::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 6.6.22
.......:::::..... :::::::: Uptime: 10m
::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 7360
::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: bash 5.2.26
..... ::::' :::::' Resolution: 9200x2160
::::: '::' :::::' WM: Hyprland
........::::: ' :::::::::::. Disk: 3.6T / 5.5T (66%)
::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: CPU: 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700KF @ 20x 4.9GHz [27.0°C]
::::::::::: .. ::::: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
.::::: .::: ::::: RAM: 4325MiB / 64149MiB
.::::: ::::: ''''' .....
::::: ':::::. ......:::::::::::::'
::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::'
.:::::::: '::::::::::
.::::''::::. '::::.
.::::' ::::. '::::.
.:::: :::: '::::.