AMD Athlon XP CPU Distro choices for today

Additional notes: Since Basix is designed for Japanese, you will have to interrupt the Boot and choose the language. But this is always experienced by Linux users who are not English native.

Thanks for the suggestion I got side tracked on making that machine useful for web browsing so I do appreciate the follow up. I will try that version of SeaMonkey soon. I'll let you know if it goes well. Thanks again!
Hi, all.
First of all, I must refuse my very poor English. I would like to forgive about the disorder of sentences and grammar.
I am a fan of AMD K7 series. Yes, it is not an exaggeration to say that I love it anymore.
So I also understand Neo 2024's feelings for distributions and web browsers available on the K7 CPU.
I would like to make two recommendations.
1: A non-SSE 2 WWW browser.
---- It is a thing of the SeaMonkey 2.49 line.
SSE build objects may be the last on this, or it may not be the case. It depends on the community, but I do not need SSE 2 ... now it is still.
2: Please try Basix 4.0.
---- This is a lightweight Japanese-based distribution based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS bionic, which is a primitive Linux for creating personalized distributions freely customized as the name suggests.
Available as a Live CD from
As well as adding the Ubuntuzilla repository you can install 1: WWW browser relatively easily.
(The default browser is Firefox ESR but this already requires SSE 2. You should purge it.)

Fortunately for K7 users!

Gave this a try.

The syslinux boot fails and goes to


then says "failed to load COM32 file vesamenu.c32"

and repeats.

I'm able to say "live lang=EN" at the boot: prompt and it boots, but I don't get english menus.

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