According to the article:
''The malware was developed to target Windows operating systems.''
So why do we care?
I didn't expect this comment from somebody who should know better.
People who have only used Unix and descended operating systems in their lifetimes have to care about what's happening with other operating systems, especially one which is more popular and being sold for profit. There is a lot of hatred toward M$ and Windows that one could say, "Bah I have Linux so it's not going to hurt me," everytime news comes out about a "hack" that affects Internet Explorer or such other program that could be had only on Windows. But this only increases the concern for some of us who did have some exposure to Windows. It's simply because there are programs where the user expects one of them to function exactly the same on one OS that it does on another OS. Web browsers
have to work alike on Windows and on Linux or they just aren't used.
It's impossible for us humans to know what is on the mind of another human, and this multiplies with people having enough technological knowhow to make other people dissatisfied and unable to use their equipment properly. If somebody using Windows is infected, even if he/she had taken the proper precautions, then it is something that the users of Linux as well have to be in high guard about.
There's this other thing. With the way something has to be booted, what does it matter if it's BSD, Linux, MacOS or Windows? Before the kernel is loaded, before whatever it is that is recognized only as proprietary OS. A rootkit or something else could do something about that. Those 2MiB that are recently being requested
in front of any disk to install a Linux OS, for example, could be filled in by a malicious program to do something else the user didn't expect at all.