Archive files by date - year



Any suggestion about how can I move files by year to a specific folder. the chalenge is that the original folder has millions of files, so I cannot list the files.

Sure - this is probably a round-about way, but it should work.. touch two files for each year.. we'll use 2011.. compare files in the dir to those files.. move the ones that match..

mkdir /path/to/2011
touch --date "2011-01-01" /tmp/start
touch --date "2012-01-01" /tmp/end
for f in `find /path/to/millionfiles/ -type f -newer /tmp/start -not -newer /tmp/end`; do mv $f /path/to/2011/;done

It may end up taking up all of the server resources.. so be ready to kill it :)
I think that some coding will enable you to archive certain files by date and year. On Windows, it's obviously a lot easier due to the fact that you can simply select the way you would like for the files to be organized. Hope the issue had been solved, though.
