Can you open this PDF file in linux?



Hi, I recently installed ubuntu in my office desktop and Im very happy with it so far, but I have encountered a first major problem. No matter what I do I can not open the following file:

(sorry I need to have 5 posts in order to post links, so please replace hxxp with http)

(click "Stahnout" and fill in the captcha)

I am sure the file itself isnt corrupted as I CAN open it on my laptop with Windows 7 and Adobe Reader XI.

The thing is Adobe Reader X or higher is required (according to the provider of the PDF file), but Adobe Reader on linux is still version IX. And the weirdest thing is that I cant even open it using WINE and the Windows version of Adobe Reader XI...

If you have any succes opening the file, I would be very grateful for any help as I have to work with this kind of file on daily basis.

Its a form where you can fill in certain information using the Reader.


If you want to open PDF files inside Firefox you need to install mozplugger . Install mozplugger in ubuntu as below:

sudo apt-get install mozplugger
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