Compatibility With Laptops (Lenovo Legion Y520 80WK)

first the good news,
wi-fi Qualcomm ,, driver installed
on board Intel graphics .. driver installed
hybrid [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]... drivers installed

now, this bit I am not good at, you may need help getting the set up of the hybrid graphics right.

Open a new ticket title it Help needed with intel & GeForce hybrid graphics in the following forum and the inxi -G report [one of our gamers may see it and jump in.

first the good news,
wi-fi Qualcomm ,, driver installed
on board Intel graphics .. driver installed
hybrid [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]... drivers installed

now, this bit I am not good at, you may need help getting the set up of the hybrid graphics right.

Open a new ticket title it Help needed with intel & GeForce hybrid graphics in the following forum and the inxi -G report [one of our gamers may see it and jump in.
Thank you very much, just created a new thread just as you recommended.
But what about wifi? Seems like the terminal does say that the driver is installed however i cant connect to my phone wifi like I did back during "Try/Install" process.

When I try to check for wifi now, it says something like "no cable connection was detected", pointing out that I can use Wifi only when plugged into Wifi router
What do I do now?
What do I do now?
once you have installed your distribution standard security protocols kick in.
Click on the connection icon, make sure wi-fi is on, search for your router select and put in the passcode, if tethering a mobile you will have to go through the secure set up for your phone
Now this is a different topic, so this is MY own opinion on the matter,

The distribution builder will have tested any applications [Linux and IOS call them apps , MS calls them programs] to be fully compatible with their build, so for the safest installation we always try the Distribution repository [which is accessed by the software manager], but can also be accessed using Synaptic, these will also install any dependencies, you can also use the terminal, but dependencies do not always install
second choice is from a recognised repository belonging to a third party [parts manufacture, GitHub etc] [if in doubt just ask one of us will say if we think it may be a problem]
PLEASE avoid installing any app or dependency from any other third party link, this is the fastest way to corrupt your Linux

NOW to reiterate from my how-to guide, once you are happy with your set-up use "TIMESHIFT " or similar recovery app. Oh and make sure you turn your firewall on, it comes as a part of most builds but is not activated
Is software manager already installed on my computer or do I have to install it myself?
Is using mentioned Synaptic the same as using software manager?
I would prefer terminal to get comfortable with using commands but since youre saying that some dependencing can be skipped during installation I would prefer something more stable

UPD: By the way, i've tried enabling farewall just like you recommended but no commands that I found did work for me.
These are the commands i've tried:
udo systemctl --enable --now firewalld
sudo systemctl enable firewalld
even "sudo firewall-cmd --state" didn't work..

~$ sudo systemctl start firewalld.
Failed to start firewalld..service: Unit firewalld..service not found.
$ sudo systemctl start firewalld
Failed to start firewalld.service: Unit firewalld.service not found.
~$ sudo systemctl enable firewalld
Failed to enable unit: Unit file firewalld.service does not exist.
~$ sudo firewall-cmd --state
sudo: firewall-cmd: command not found
~$ sudo systemctl --enable --now firewalld
systemctl: unrecognized option '--enable'
Last edited:
both are in the Ubuntu menu one will be labelled synaptic the other Ubuntu software [
Oh and make sure you turn your firewall on, it comes as a part of most builds but is not activated
Hi, Brickwizard, it's me again.

I updated my last message but not sure you noticed:
I've tried enabling the firewall with terminal but unsuccesfully. After doing some research on this forum I saw people recommending to search for it in apps but seems like i misunderstood them because there's no results for 'firewall'.

Could you please tell me how can I enable it?
Thank you in advance mate you really helped me a lot so far! I already downloaded most things i needed through App Manager, learned to create directories, txt files in terminal and edit them with nano editor. I am learning day by day all thanks to you

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