Distro suggestion


Active Member
Nov 11, 2021
Reaction score
Hello guys

Suggest me some underrated fantastic Linux distros that you know

Whoa:p! so many suggestions. I will try all of them in a VM
What about Siduction Linux: https://siduction.org/
The distro siduction, based on Debian Unstable, was when I tried it following aptosid, in a word, fun!
I remember the community was helpful. That was also when I began using clonezilla to back up so I would not have to start over from the beginning when either I made a mistake or the software installed had a glitch that crashed the system.

It and salixos were great learning experiences for me. Enjoy!
After test running, I don't know how many distros over the last few years, I came to the decision, no one distribution is better than any other, provided you pick the right one for the job you want to do and is capable of running on your box without problems, Although I keep it as a secondary distribution , I have been quite impressed with Parrot home edition
Yes parrot os is also pretty underrated
