Failed to acquire pid file : /var/local/run/libvirt/qemu/

today I see you a little bit out of focus,man. I know already that kvm is supported on arm 32 bit. I've already shown it to you that it is :

# qemu-system-arm -accel help

Accelerators supported in QEMU binary:

I don't remember if I have already told you that if I want to virtualize a guest OS using only qemu + kvm without libvirt,I can. It will work. I have already tested it. But I want to fix libvirt because it is comfortable to use.
Not useful suggestion for me. I'm not a coder,such as I'm not a pro system admin : this is only an hobby for me. I try to do the best I can,but I can't solve bugs for which a solution has not been found yet and that involves the writing of a piece of code.
interesting perspective. thank you for sharing that. it crossed my mind briefly to wonder about the kernel version in use when i was trying to build an armhf debian 12 vm to test. i think it had a 6 or 6.1.
The libvirt developers explained to me what's wrong. In my system the file kvm.h is missing. I should install the kernel headers file if I want it. I could do this if the kernel in use was 6.1,but I'm forced to use 5.4. I can't install the kernel headers for the kernel 5.4 on top of debian bookworm. Or at least,at the moment I don't know how to do this. I'm not sure that the kernel headers for the 5.4 kernel are present between the packages. Or maybe I can build it from scratch or I can find it somewhere ? Even in this case, I'm not sure that they will work on a system that has been compiled on top of a 6.x kernel.

Anyway,I've found the missing file here :


and I've copied it to this directory :


the previous error is gone,but it still doesn't work :

# virsh domcapabilities --machine virt --emulatorbin /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-arm

error: failed to get emulator capabilities
error: KVM is not supported on this platform: Function not implemented

I think that I should re-compile libvirt and QEMU on top of the 5.4 kernel and for this reason I should use an older version of Debian,maybe 8 or 9. Maybe later,I can upgrade the userland from 8/9 to 12,keeping intact the same kernel. What do you think ? do you see a shorter solution ? for sure I don't like to reinstall and recompile everything on a older version of Linux.
Now the problem is that debian hasn't any 5.4 source and headers packages. Is there a method or tool to convert these packages to debian packages so that I can use them on Debian ? That's because I prefer Debian over Ubuntu. Thanks.

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