Gothan WiFi N USB not working



I cant make work and USB pen for WiFi, the product name is Gothan Nano. I cant install the drivers on the CD at all. It has an 'autoinstall' or someting like that, but when I copypaste it on the terminal many errors happen.

At the same time, I wondering if I need to install any driver, cause inmediately when I plug it, it recognizes it (or at least it shows the WiFi networks avalaible). The problem is that when I choose the conection i have at home (via router), it does not connect. Just says 'connecting...', and then it turns off.

Maybe its not hardware problem, and its just not working?

Gonna try in Windows anyway, to see if theres the same problem.


Ya pe. Same history. I copy-paste what is in '' in the Terminal, but there seem to be many wrong-writed commands. Then also run those .sh files in the 'Driver' folder, and nothing happens.

Still I think that the USB is being perfectly recognized. Once plugged I can see every WiFi conection avaliable. The problem is that when I choose one it just never connects. Don't you think its a Hardware problem, instead of lacking in software/drivers?

There are also PDF instructions but I dont get a word... lol

Ah, when I copy-paste in Terminal the commands, it comes a time when it asks for the pwd and then replies: su: Authentication failure
it comes a time when it asks for the pwd and then replies: su Authentication failure
...and can you enter your Root password when this happens?


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I don't really know Linux Mint, but I know Ubuntu which it is based on. In Ubuntu you need a package called: build-essential, to compile a program. That program is not installed in Linux Mint. Try the command: sudo apt-get install build essential. Then try again.

Maybe you will need to contact Gothan and ask them how you install in Linux.
I don't really know Linux Mint, but I know Ubuntu which it is based on. In Ubuntu you need a package called: build-essential, to compile a program. That program is not installed in Linux Mint. Try the command: sudo apt-get install build essential. Then try again.

Maybe you will need to contact Gothan and ask them how you install in Linux.
Okey! Thx
This maybe a little off topic, but you may find it easier to use the Ralink Wifi dongles with GNU/Linux.
I found the right drivers, tried to post the link but im not allowed yet.

The problem I have now is that what I install seems not to be saved.

Eveytime I restar the computer the USB WiFi pen is not recognized, I have to run again in terminal Why that happens?
Ah ok, I was writing sudo ./install sh

But when i write sh ./ (instead of sudo ...), then a error happens.

Compile make driver error: 1
Please check error Mesg

It does not happens when I run sudo. It gos perfect.
sudo sh ./

Same story, installs it perfectly, it works, as much as I dont restart de PC.

Once I restart, doesent recognize, have to run again (every time!).

Maybe I should write an autorun for when the PC starts, to install it everytime? lol
Can you autostart it? I use Razor-Qt, not your usual Desktop Environment, but I can autostart from a GUI e.g. Skype, Pidgin, RadioTray .
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Ya pe, i did that. In local.rc
cd scriptdirectory
chmod +x
sudo ./

Works perfectly, even with the USB Plugged.

Thanks everybody.

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