Our company relies now on windows products in 90%. Due to the growing demand of linux we are looking for some solutions like GPO in windows.
I've search but I didn't find nothing concrete.
There is a solution to restric security policy in linux desktops from one central server?
For that I mean:
1. one sudoers file which force to all hosts in domain
2. disable root - for that I want to users can't use root and don't have root acess
3. permission works with groups or individually
4. etc.
In my reaserach is option to combine f.e. ansible + openldap. Then host is slave and force script remotly to hosts and connect with ldap account
But maybe do you have some another option that I don't know and is easy to introduce ?
Our company relies now on windows products in 90%. Due to the growing demand of linux we are looking for some solutions like GPO in windows.
I've search but I didn't find nothing concrete.
There is a solution to restric security policy in linux desktops from one central server?
For that I mean:
1. one sudoers file which force to all hosts in domain
2. disable root - for that I want to users can't use root and don't have root acess
3. permission works with groups or individually
4. etc.
In my reaserach is option to combine f.e. ansible + openldap. Then host is slave and force script remotly to hosts and connect with ldap account
But maybe do you have some another option that I don't know and is easy to introduce ?