Having trouble installing nanominer on Ubuntu 20.04 (tar.gz)


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Apr 8, 2021
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Hey I'm having trouble installing nanominer which is compatible with linux (https://github.com/nanopool/nanominer/releases), it's a tar.gz file and has an exe. I've tried using WineHQ to run the exe, and I've tried using terminal to install the tar.gz using ./configure but it would just say No such file or directory, anyone has any idea how to install nanominer, Any help is appreciated, thanks
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I think you may have downloaded the wrong one?

I just downloaded the one for Linux and there's no .exe in there that I see?

You extract the data before going any further. It's an archive that contains a directory. Extract all of that and then you can do the compiling.
I think you may have downloaded the wrong one?

I just downloaded the one for Linux and there's no .exe in there that I see?

You extract the data before going any further. It's an archive that contains a directory. Extract all of that and then you can do the compiling.
That’s what I did, I downloaded it and extracted it and opened the directory in terminal but I it wouldn’t let me compile it, either way its fine I’m switching back to windows right now, thanks for the answer
I’m switching back to windows right now

Well, if you ever want to get a grip on Linux (it's not necessarily easy) we'll be here.

Like you had to learn to use Windows, so too must you put in time and effort to understand Linux. The most important step is understanding that it's not Windows. (Someone here may link you to a lovely site about how Linux isn't Windows.)

Good luck in your journey and we hope to see you back.
IF you are still interested, most tar bz that are extracted come with a Install or a ReadMe file to tell you how to install it.

Good luck:-
I downloaded this one and was able to just extract it and then run nanominer without having to compile it. As for compiling software on GNU/Linux, you can't expect yourself to start on advanced topics without understanding the basics of GNU/Linux first. Also just a question out of curiosity, can you explain to me step by step howto compile software on Windows without looking it up? Since you are complaining about it being hard on GNU/Linux because you expect GNU/Linux to work exactly the same like Windows I would expect you to know it from the top of your head on Windows.
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