I'm sure if people were going to buy a mac and knew this...they'd never buy one...I'm lucky I've never owned one lucky me.
Perhaps. I can say that Macs have served me well. I will argue that Mac laptops last much longer than other brands. They run every operating system I have thrown at them. They are the only computers that run macOS legally and easily.

I would buy another Mac in a heartbeat if Apple had not chosen to switch to ARM processors a few years ago. That put me in a bind. I am facing an architecture "fork in the road". My crystal ball is still hazy about how or whether the Windows and Linux worlds will bifurcate heavily into ARM and Intel/AMD at the same time or choose one and go with it.

There are many things that I do not like about Apple. but their hardware designs and implementations are very good. Unfortunately, I am even less of a match to their target market than before. I am not a fan, but recognizing good work when I see it.

I think ARM & RISC will be the future for computing, but it will take a while yet to become mainstream, & from what I've read, they aren't 'standardized' chips, so each manufacturer will make their own versions, & that will mean problems down the line for the likes of us who prefer other operating systems.
It wasn't long ago someone said tablets would take over from Towers and Laptops...that never happened.
It wasn't long ago someone said tablets would take over from Towers and Laptops...that never happened.

Kinda? Have you seen the size of phones today? Mobile devices are now more than half of the internets traffic and have been for a while. The desktop market is still plenty strong, but many people just do everything on their phone. For them, it's 'good enough' or all they've really owned.


Tablets? No, those are just a small section of the market. Also, mobile devices are a tiny portion of the traffic I get on any of my sites. But, my sites are more catered toward desktop users, so that just makes sense.
